Thursday, March 22, 2012

Journal #5

My philosophy is called Reedism
1. Put your heart in everything you do. Everything you do is important and matters. Do not do something half way. Put everything you have in whatever you do and be proud of what you do.
2. Peolple's lives will be based on bettering the lives of others and the lives of future generations. You should live your life thinking how you can make someone else's life better and easier.
3. Everyone does their part. If eveyone does their part the world will be a much better place. The life for everyone will be better.
4. Everyone is part of a team. We are all linked together and part of a team. Everything we do is for the better of the team as a whole. Do not be selfish and look for personal gain.
5. No quitters. Do not quit on anything. Do not be weak. If you start something you need to finish it. If you are not able to do it you have a team that will help you as well. We are all in this world together.
6. Do what intersts you. We are all a team but we can have different interests. Some will excell at certain things and that's good. Be the best at whatever it is you are good at.
7. Don't tear anyone down. We are all part of a team and in the world together. We will get through the world together. There is no reason to hurt another team mate. Do not tear a team mate down.

Where and why these principles are important.
These principles came from the greatest athelete in NFL histroy, Ed Reed. He is an outstanding role model and should be followed by everyone. These principles are the way Ed Reed is seen and the way others should live. I believe that if everyone followed these rules the world would be a much better place for everyone.

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